Vqtshirt - Twenty One Pilots Electric Box Discs Shirt
Buy this shirt: Click here to buy this Vqtshirt - Twenty One Pilots Electric Box Discs Shirt
This tradition faded away in the Twenty One Pilots Electric Box Discs Shirt and I will buy this ’60s when jeans replaced corduroys—but that doesn’t mean Senior Cords were gone forever. Thanks to Bode and Styles, senior cords have a starring role in the latest issue of Vogue.
The pants were not planned far in advance of the Twenty One Pilots Electric Box Discs Shirt and I will buy this cover shoot—Bode notes that most orders take about four weeks to complete—but Styles had been eyeing a pair for a while. His stylist, Harry Lambert, is also a huge fan of the Senior Cord Project, according to Bode. The musician provided Bode and her team with personal references and Khowala took the lead on hand-painting Styles’s very own pair of Senior Cords. The blue butterfly, a liquor bottle, and the name of his godson Jackson that appear on the pants were obvious choices to include because Styles has similar tattoos of each. Other images like an abstract family portrait and an intricate Italian crest are unique to this collaboration.
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